"At the Zoo" by A. A. Milne
The concept for my book project was to create a book based on the animal crackers' box. I knew immediately that I wanted to create a children's book when I heard about this project. The poem that I chose is called "At the Zoo" by A. A. Milne. The poem was perfect for creating a children's book. A. A. Milne created fake animals to write about in his poem such as a "bodger" or a "mingo". This posed a fun challenge for me. I had to design these animals.
When I began designing the book, I decided that I wanted to make the illustrations have a "coloring book" feel. I wanted them to look a bit like a child would have drawn them as they were reading this poem. I treated the cover with the same idea. I used the Animal Crackers' box as a model for the cover. I designed the cover as a simplified version of the design on the box. I didn't want it to be too busy and I still wanted to keep it looking like a coloring book.